“When we are in our own country, we endure whatever comes our way; crucial thing…

“When we are in our own country, we endure whatever comes our way; crucial thing is that we live here as Armenians, bread and hunger are not primary focus.”
Tatevik Aghajanyan hails from Khnushinak village, Martuni region, and currently resides in Stepanakert. Blockade weighs even heavier here than in villages, as at least there people can cultivate gardens and obtain a modest harvest. Amidst challenges of daily life and living conditions, there is an added layer of sadness stemming from being separated from loved ones. For over a month, Tatevik has been unable to visit her hometown due to lack of transportation and fuel.
Communication issues are also prevalent in Artsakh. Maintaining communication with relatives through phone calls is not always feasible. Power outages not only impact electricity but also lead to issues with water supply.

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