🇮🇳 Короткий видео-обзор из встречи с представителем Посольства Республики Бхарат (Индии) в Казахстане Дигвиджай Патилем в рамках второго дня Дипломатической школы в Астане.
A short video review from the meeting with the representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Bharat (India) in Kazakhstan Mr. Digvijay Patil within the framework of the second day of the Diplomatic School in Astana.
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A short video review from the meeting with the representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Bharat (India) in Kazakhstan Mr. Digvijay Patil within the framework of the second day of the Diplomatic School in Astana.
© Андраник Ованнисян
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