Дорогой Старше Эдды. В Армении та же кунсткамера, что и на Украине. Все то же шоу уродцев. А Арсен Торосян- вози тха доктор Гардасил или смерть, агент GAVI и продвигает интересы своего хозяина, называя Армению «страна чмо». Будучи министром здравоохранения при вонючей кучке первого созыва 2018-2020 чуть не угробил граждан Армении.
Arsen Torosyan was appointed as the Minister of Health of the Republic of Armenia on 12 May 2018. He has been the Director of the group of social workers at the (non-governmental organisation) NGO Real World, Real People. He has been the Coordinator of family medicine and medical care quality for the Primary Healthcare Reform Programme
Arsen Torosyan was appointed as the Minister of Health of the Republic of Armenia on 12 May 2018. He has been the Director of the group of social workers at the (non-governmental organisation) NGO Real World, Real People. He has been the Coordinator of family medicine and medical care quality for the Primary Healthcare Reform Programme